Saturday, 3 December 2011

Thyroid Cysts

Thyroid cysts are a common cause of a lump in the thyroid gland

They usually arise quite quickly and are a cause of a suddenly noticed and often slightly painful lump in the neck

Thyroid cysts are diagnosed by being referred to a specialist thyroid clinic where a needle biopsy will be done there and then - removing the fluid means the cysts is gone!

Once the fluid is removed your consultant will re-examine the neck and confirm that all the lump has gone as well - this confirms the diagnosis of a cyst.  An ultrasound scan is NOT required and usually just acts as a delaying scan adding absolutely nothing to the diagnosis.

As a matter of routine the fluid should be sent off for cytological assessment to check there are no cancerous cells.

Management of the cyst depends on how it behaves:

1. The cyst goes away and stays away - a check exam in 1 month to confirm this and then you should be discharged from further review.

2. If it recurs a further needle aspiration of the fluid may well cure it.

3. If it recurs again I now generally get an ultrasound drainage done to make 100% certain all the fluid is removed

4. If the cyst keeps on recurring this is an indication for surgery - usually a thyroid lobectomy (removing half the thyroid containing the cyst)

The reason for operating on recurrent cysts is that many of these have a growth in the wall producing fluid hence why it keeps coming back.  Some of these growths are thyroid cancers - hence the concern about managing them correctly.

Mr McLaren offers this service in both the NHS and private sectors and more details are available on the websites below

Bucksendocrine - thyroid surgery by a UK specialist surgeon

Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Website

Video of Mr McLaren undertaking a thyroid operation